After a successful reunion at ICPD+25, yet again MAMA Network brought its influence at the Inroads Global Gathering to share experiences, research findings, achievements, lessons learned and expertise. The ICPD+25 2019 marked the 25th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo, where 179 governments adopted a landmark Programme of Action which set out to empower women and girls for their sake, and for the benefit of their families, communities and nations.

Prior to ICPD+25, the MAMA Network was invited to the WGNRR pre-icpd+25 gathering to speak on the importance of movement building for Reproductive Rights Activists and together discuss how MAMA Network’s shared experience can ensure a cohesive voice during ICPD+25.

Early this year in 2020, MAMA Network actively contributed to the Inroads Global Gathering by leading and facilitating sessions. MAMA Network team took leadership to organize sessions on networking, holistic security, the state of abortion in Kenya – the host of the Inroads gathering and was honored for space and opportunity to share its scientific findings on abortion and medical abortion in Africa.

Right before we closed the year, the MAMA Network organized its own regional gathering were 25/35 of the member organizations came together to share impact and strategize for the common goal ahead.

To mark a successful and impactful movement of reproductive health and rights activists in sub-Saharan African, the last 2 quarters were graced with an honorable invite in the Republic of Congo to speak on advocacy, networking, and holistic security for grassroots activists. A regional gathering of Francophone organizations in the region.