The cross section of the participants who attended pharmacists training
Pharmacists need refresher training to conduct their duties effectively and against this background Centre for Social Concern and Development (CESOCODE) a MAMA member based in Malawi with funding from MAMA on granting conducted training for 20 pharmacists to equip them with accurate information on how to administer safe medical abortion in their pharmacies. Pharmacists need such refresher training sessions to sustain their knowledge and work effectively to administer safe medical abortion to clients in the community.
The training also provided accurate information and approaches that successfully improve pharmacists’ ability and willingness to administer safe medical abortions as well as referrals to other healthcare providers which will help women benefit from safe and effective medical abortions. Although pharmacists’ knowledge about medical abortion is limited, many are willing to provide medicine to help women with unwanted pregnancies. Women already seek medicines from pharmacists to end an unwanted pregnancy.
After the training pharmacy workers showed more willingness to offer safe medical abortion services which will help to reduce cases of unsafe abortion among women and girls.